EXPERIMENT Distinguishing Between conductors and insulators
Materials required:
1. Plate or bowl
2. Cable
3. Battery
4. Board to support the lamp and battery
5. Fluorescent lamp
6. wood
7. Ruler
8. Water
9. Pencil
Prove object which represents conductors and which isolalor by doing the following experiment. Verify that the bulb lights up when you attach two ends of wire. Then put the two ends separately on the disk. Use various types of objects and materials to fill the gap that separates the two ends of the wire. You can test various types of wood & metal by putting them in the circuit. Objects that can light a lamp is a conductor. Objects that can not turn on the lights are insulators. Try to insert the wire into the water to prove that: water is a good conductor.
Conductors and insulators
Electricity can flow through certain objects is very easy to view. These objects is called the conductor. Metals are good electrical conductors. However, electricity can not flow through other materials such as wood and plastic. The materials can not pass this power called isolalor. Conductors and isolalor used for different purposes.
All metals can conduct electricity. The best metal conductor is silver used in the circuit in a computer. The main source of electricity delivered through copper wires. Water is a weak conductor of electricity but do not touch-alal electrical appliance with wet hands because you may get a surprise / shock that dangerous. The best conductor is called "superconducting" and can conduct electricity at very low temperatures.
This material is only now being developed but may be affected big on life in the future.
Isolator is used to prevent electric current does not flow into unwanted places. You have seen how the air acts as an insulator on the switch. The wires on household appliances was isolated with a layer of plastic. Plug and socket is usually made of plastic or rubber so that you can hold it safely.
Ceramic materials is also a good insulator. Ceramics are not flexible like plastic but are very resistant to high temperatures. Ceramics are used in car engines and to coat the electric stove (the ring / circle) so you can cook without taxable stun / shock.

1. Plate or bowl
2. Cable
3. Battery
4. Board to support the lamp and battery
5. Fluorescent lamp
6. wood
7. Ruler
8. Water
9. Pencil
Prove object which represents conductors and which isolalor by doing the following experiment. Verify that the bulb lights up when you attach two ends of wire. Then put the two ends separately on the disk. Use various types of objects and materials to fill the gap that separates the two ends of the wire. You can test various types of wood & metal by putting them in the circuit. Objects that can light a lamp is a conductor. Objects that can not turn on the lights are insulators. Try to insert the wire into the water to prove that: water is a good conductor.
Conductors and insulators

All metals can conduct electricity. The best metal conductor is silver used in the circuit in a computer. The main source of electricity delivered through copper wires. Water is a weak conductor of electricity but do not touch-alal electrical appliance with wet hands because you may get a surprise / shock that dangerous. The best conductor is called "superconducting" and can conduct electricity at very low temperatures.
This material is only now being developed but may be affected big on life in the future.

Ceramic materials is also a good insulator. Ceramics are not flexible like plastic but are very resistant to high temperatures. Ceramics are used in car engines and to coat the electric stove (the ring / circle) so you can cook without taxable stun / shock.